
How Books Can Help Mediators Do a Better Job – At Work, and at Home – Recent Article by CRA Hawai’i Member Giuseppe Leone has published an article that CRA Hawai’i member Giuseppe Leone wrote for sharing with fellow mediators 3 important lessons he learned after his retirement from mediation practice. Giuseppe learned those lessons accidentally, by reading some good books on mediation and human nature/behavior.

Those books not only helped him understand better the parties’ and his own behavior in mediation.

They also made him realize two other things. First, that during his mediation practice he had fallen into two traps – the “Lack of Curiosity Trap” and the “Complacency Trap”. And second, that for more than 20 years there had been a big, inexplicable “disconnect” – between how Giuseppe had been trying to help other people resolve their conflict, and how he had been trying to resolve conflict in my personal life, at home.

You can find Giuseppe’s article on the website  – 

After you read it, you can send Giuseppe your comments by email