Events News

ACR National call for “New Voices”

New Voices – 2016 – Calling all Conflict Specialists newly entering the field

Juried selection for featured presentation at the 2016 ACR Annual Conference

Exciting New Feature of the Conference

The 2016 conference to be held in October in Baltimore will feature seven “New Voices” to present in “prime time” on the conference schedule.  This year’s conference organizers are reaching out across the globe to hear from students and new practitioners & researchers in the field.

What we want to feature

  • An area of research done by the presenter and which will engage our diverse membership in thinking in new ways or which would potentially inform the practice of our members. The presentation will feature highlights and illustration of what was learned.
  • A unique project or area of practice in which the presenter was engaged. The presentation may either give the rationale and highlights of the project or it may demonstrate some aspect of the work that can make it “come to life” for the audience.

The jury panel is looking for exciting practice or research that will enhance the knowledge and practice of our diverse membership.  The panel will select the 12 minute presentations based on both substance and presentation.

Additional opportunity

The conference presentation will also be videoed and featured on the ACR website.  Additionally, a select number of submissions that were not selected for presentation at the conference will be invited to submit a video for the website.

Who is eligible to apply

All current or recent students in programs specializing in conflict resolution or interdisciplinary programs in which conflict studies are an integral part may apply.  Practitioners who may not have been students in certificate or degree programs but have done other forms of training and have entered the field in the last five years are also invited to apply.

For more information and to download an application, please visit the ACR National website.  Initial applications and proposals must be submitted by March 15, 2016.